www.gusucode.com > VC++ 基于IE内核功能很齐全的浏览器(支持多标签)-源码程序 > VC++ 基于IE内核功能很齐全的浏览器(支持多标签)-源码程序/code/Explorer/CJFrameWnd.cpp

    // CJFrameWnd.cpp : implementation file
// Copyright ? 1998-1999 CodeJock.com, All Rights Reserved.
// See ReadMe.txt for TERMS OF USE.
 * $Date: 10/31/99 11:04p $
 * $Revision: 16 $
 * $Archive: /CodeJock/CJLibrary/CJFrameWnd.cpp $
 * $History: CJFrameWnd.cpp $
 * *****************  Version 16  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 10/31/99   Time: 11:04p
 * Updated in $/CodeJock/CJLibrary
 * Minor update to PreCreateWindow(...) for flicker free drawing.
 * *****************  Version 15  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 10/29/99   Time: 12:43a
 * Updated in $/CodeJock/CJLibrary
 * Overloaded PreCreateWindow(...) for flicker free drawing.
 * *****************  Version 14  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 10/14/99   Time: 6:15p
 * Updated in $/CodeJock/CJLibrary
 * Fixed bug with a document becomes the active document when the user
 * clicks inside a tab in the CCJTabControlBar to perform some operation.
 * When closing the application, MFC decides in CFrameWnd::OnClose() to
 * check if the 'active' document is modified before checking all other
 * documuents. If the active document is not modified and can close its
 * frame, it does not check other documents individually and shuts down
 * without asking the important 'modified save' questions. To fix this,
 * OnClose() was overriden to add a call to "SetActiveView(NULL)" just
 * before the base class OnClose is called. This will check all documents
 * asking the save question before closing the application. Thanks to
 * Simon Clark [spc@otleda.com] for help with this.
 * *****************  Version 13  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 10/14/99   Time: 10:05a
 * Updated in $/CodeJock/CJLibrary
 * Overrode OnEraseBkgnd(...) to help to eliminate screen flicker.
 * *****************  Version 12  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 9/16/99    Time: 2:35p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJLibrary
 * Fixed bug with save / restore bar state, and with saved bar size
 * changing whenever the application starts.
 * *****************  Version 11  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 8/31/99    Time: 1:11a
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJLibrary
 * Updated copyright and contact information.
 * *****************  Version 10  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 7/25/99    Time: 12:30a
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJLibrary
 * *****************  Version 9  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 6/23/99    Time: 12:33a
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJLibrary
 * *****************  Version 8  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 6/11/99    Time: 8:25p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Slight modification made to popup menu code.
 * *****************  Version 7  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 6/09/99    Time: 8:33p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Ioannhs Stamatopoulos (Yiannhs) [ystamat@mail.datamedia.gr] - Extended
 * docking windows, removed ::GetSysColor(...) calls and WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE
 * message handler, this is now automatically handled by the base class.
 * Added redraw flags to the create method and modified paint and layout
 * handlers to reduce flicker and un-necessary command handling. Dragging
 * rect now reflects actual control bar docked size. Added "flat" look to
 * the control bars, the control bars can now use the classic DevStudio
 * look, or use flat gradient gripper, borders and frame buttons. Overall,
 * docking windows now handle dragging, docking and floating much better,
 * and behave more like DevStudio.
 * *****************  Version 6  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 5/02/99    Time: 5:23p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Further modifications for CCJMenu support.
 * *****************  Version 5  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 5/02/99    Time: 2:18a
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * *****************  Version 4  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 5/02/99    Time: 2:13a
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Re-wrote CCJMenu initialization routines with a more cleaner approach.
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 4/03/99    Time: 4:47p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Added comments and cleaned up code.  Added support for Brent Corkum's 
 * BCMenu (CCJMenu), which is a replacement for the CCoolMenu class.
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 1/12/99    Time: 4:46p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Total re-write to add side-by-side docking support for CCJControlBar
 * class.
 * *****************  Version 1  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 10/17/98   Time: 4:46p
 * Created in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Initial re-write and release.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CJFrameWnd.h"
//#include "CJDockBar.h"
//#include "CJSizeDockBar.h"
//#include "CJControlBar.h"
//#include "CJMiniDockFrameWnd.h"
#include "CJToolBar.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CCJFrameWnd






// CCJFrameWnd message handlers

// dwDockBarMap
DWORD CCJFrameWnd::dwDockBarMap[4][2] =

HMENU CCJFrameWnd::NewMenu(UINT nMenuID, UINT nToolbarID)
	// Load the menu and toolbar resource.
	if (nToolbarID) {

	// Detach the menu.

HMENU CCJFrameWnd::NewMenu(UINT nMenuID, UINT* nToolbarIDs, int nSize)
	// Load the menu and toolbar resources.
	if (nToolbarIDs) {
		m_menu.LoadToolbars(nToolbarIDs, nSize);

	// Detach the menu.

BOOL CCJFrameWnd::InitializeMenu(UINT nMenuID, UINT nToolBarID/*=NULL*/)
	ASSERT(nMenuID);	 // must be valid.

	// Get a pointer to the existing menu, and destroy it.
	CMenu* pMenu = GetMenu();

	// Set the default menu with the newly created Menu.
	m_hMenuDefault = NewMenu(nMenuID, nToolBarID);
	return TRUE;

BOOL CCJFrameWnd::InitializeMenu(UINT nMenuID, UINT* nToolbarIDs/*=NULL*/, int nSize/*=NULL*/)
	ASSERT(nMenuID);	 // must be valid.

	// Get a pointer to the existing menu, and destroy it.
	CMenu* pMenu = GetMenu();
	// Set the default menu with the newly created Menu.
	m_hMenuDefault = NewMenu(nMenuID, nToolbarIDs, nSize);
	return TRUE;

void CCJFrameWnd::OnMeasureItem(int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct) 
	if (lpMeasureItemStruct->CtlType == ODT_MENU)
		if (IsMenu((HMENU)lpMeasureItemStruct->itemID)) {
			CMenu* pMenu = CMenu::FromHandle((HMENU)lpMeasureItemStruct->itemID);
			if(m_menu.IsMenu(pMenu)) {

	CFrameWnd::OnMeasureItem(nIDCtl, lpMeasureItemStruct);

LRESULT CCJFrameWnd::OnMenuChar(UINT nChar, UINT nFlags, CMenu* pMenu) 
	if(m_menu.IsMenu(pMenu)) {
		return CCJMenu::FindKeyboardShortcut(nChar, nFlags, pMenu);

	return CFrameWnd::OnMenuChar(nChar, nFlags, pMenu);

void CCJFrameWnd::OnInitMenuPopup(CMenu* pPopupMenu, UINT nIndex, BOOL bSysMenu) 
	CFrameWnd::OnInitMenuPopup(pPopupMenu, nIndex, bSysMenu);
		if(m_menu.IsMenu(pPopupMenu)) {

BOOL CCJFrameWnd::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) 
	if( m_wndMenuBar.GetSafeHwnd()) {
		if( m_wndMenuBar.TranslateFrameMessage(pMsg)) {
			return TRUE;

	return CFrameWnd::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

// Default implementation.
BOOL CCJFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 
	return CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs);

// Overloaded for flicker-free drawing with no CS_VREDRAW and CS_HREDRAW.
// Override in CMainFrame and call this method, rather than the default. Pass
// in your apps icon resource usually IDR_MAINFRAME.
BOOL CCJFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs, UINT nIconID) 
	// Register wnd class with no redraw, cursor (use default), background
	// brush and load your apps icon resource.
	cs.lpszClass = AfxRegisterWndClass( 0, NULL, NULL,
	return CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs);